Léonie Süess

Léonie Süess, born in Bern in 1986, studied scenography at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and has since been interested in the dialogue between audiences and staged spaces. After completing her BA in 2011, she worked as a stage design assistant for Thom Luz in Zurich and as an assistant to Dominic Huber for Warten auf den Barbaren and Situation Rooms with Rimini Protokoll in Berlin. From 2013 to 2015 she worked as a stage-design assistant at Theater Neumarkt, where together with Tancredi Gusman she curated “Chor&Co”, a space for up-and-coming artists to engage in artistic experiments. Since then she has worked as a freelance scenographer and mediator, collaborating with young and old in the fields of theatre, film and exhibition. She is also a founding member of “OFFCUT Zürich”, an association of shops for creative recycling, and is currently completing her MA in curatorial studies at ZHdK.
Since the 2019/2020 season, she has been working in Audience Development at the Schauspielhaus Zürich and is in charge of mediating various productions.